Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Government.....What has changed in the last year?

As you can see, I have not posted since October of 2011. Sort of an experiment. So what has changed in government since then? Nothing, really. 
Obama got his affordable health care bill passed through the supreme court. Obama has signed several executive orders. And now the election is here. 
The RNC has come and gone with some pretty good speeches. The DNC is currently going on and it appears they are not sure if they want God in or out of their platform. And they are really not sure if Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel. Now, on to the more serious stuff.
One of the topics I hear discussed frequently on talk radio is the free contraceptives' program. Why it seems to be one of the more discussed parts of the bill I don't know, because there is plenty to discuss in this thing. But if you have ever read or researched on the topic of socialism, you will find that one of the ways the government controls spending, so they can hand out selective health care, is by reducing the liabilities to the healthcare program. Therefore you have population control. So if you deny enough coverage to those that need it most to survive, then these people will die off. Cause in a socialistic society, your only needed if you are a working productive person to collect taxes from. This in turn reduces the cost to the system and this is how government balances the medical budget to provide this selective socialist healthcare program.
So what does this have to do with contraceptives? Well, summed up, population control. It encourages freelance sex which demoralizes society (part of Marxism and is another topic for another day) but reduces pregnancies. Remember, they can't have women getting pregnant and having babies with freelance sex. This would be counter-productive for population control.

Oh, by the way, remember this blog is not about republicans and democrats. It is about America and maintaining the free country that it is and should continue to be. As much as people talk goodness about Ronald Reagan, he did nothing to reduce government either.

-till then 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Let's See ---- Where Are We

What's going on in America is, to say the least, interesting. Think about it. We have a president that is labeled as a socialist. The government has passed a looming health care law that, according to Nancy Pelozi, nobody in Congress had read until they passed it. We have people (Occupy Something) protesting in the streets of major cities about wanting something for nothing. We have immigration issues racking up tax dollars in the court rooms of America. We have civil rights groups finding a hard rhetorical loop of issues to resolve. And then you have the class warfare talk going on in the media. Federal government spending is out of control in the name of recovering the economy. Unemployment is at it's highest and it seems the only company doing any hiring of any magnitude is the federal government. Unfortunately it has not offset the unemployment rate guys.
I am sure I am leaving out other issues, so let me know which ones they are.
So, how did we get here? How did America get here and how can it be resolved? And please, don't go democrat / republican on me. Both parties put this country here, and what does both parties have in common - government.

Til next time -